FOLLOW your heart, EMBRACE your dreams, and CHERISH your life!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

mrs. palm pretty's pizza parlor

hello, i hope you all have had a great weekend. we have had an okay weekend. we enjoyed some needed rain. i worked some this weekend, too. today, when i got off, i went to pick up some groceries. i was glad to see chris when i got home. tonight, i made homemade pizza for supper. i have to say, i may need to open a pizza parlor, lol!!! it was great, toppings were beef, pepperoni, mushrooms, extra cheese, and garlic. it was very tasty!!!!!!!! as a child, my family and i would make homemade pizzas. it was something we could all do together and enjoy it.hope you enjoy my picture of my pizza.... have a great night!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

The pizza looks so good, it makes my mouth water. Have a great week.(((Dana))))

The Sisters said...

Your Pizza looks lovely! Yum!
Have a great week!

Dean said...
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Kristi said...

Dana, do you use a homemade crust recipe? Looks awesome!
