on thanksgiving morning, we have a tradition of going on a thanksgiving hayride. we go down a few back roads in my parent's community and then end up down at the parker house. this year, scott did not come. he chose to go to the flea market instead... but that's okay... he missed out..

my four babies who are not babies anymore

my sweet daddy and his tractor

all aboard!!! we went down a new ''trail'' that my daddy has been working on. it was really pretty.

this is the only cow we saw out today. this is the one known as ''purdy thang'', but i have always called her ''caramel cream''...lol!!!

my wonderful parents,i love them so much!!!!!

father and son, danny and ethan

mother and daughter, lorieann and corrie

my sweet drake

look at those sweet smiles

now they are smiling for somebody else

three amigos

best buds

we were all bundeled up, although when we got going, it was rather warm.. it turned out beautiful.

danny and sweet baby ben

my chris and ethan.. poor ethan, he had to work thankgiving night, so, this was the only time we got to see him:(
we had a great time and mother made us all sausage/egg and country ham/egg biscuits!!!! they were great!!! it is always so great to spend the holdays with your family!!!!!!

corrie is all smiles
I feel like I haven't been here in forever. The pictures were great and I especially liked the one of your parents. They look so good together!
Hi Dana,
Those were great pictures of you all! Looks like you had a terrific Thanksgiving!
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