in my study today, i have been reading of the PROVERBS 31 WOMAN, and how she so faithfully extends her HANDS to the needy. she is very generous in helping the needy, and always willing to help do things that is needed. she gives her talent and time to be used for the glory of GOD. she can do this in many ways: prepare a dish for a shut -in, make a cake for a friend, or just offer to do something for someone, not wanting nothing in return. in doing this, one thing is important. her HEART is involved also. she knows she is doing it, because she loves JESUS, and wants to be used for HIS honor and glory. she pays close attention to their needs, and goes ahead, full force, to make a difference. she branches out to help whoever or whatever she can.
some personal ideas and thoughts on this:
1) start in your own home - do something for someone in your own home that would make a difference. bake that special dessert that your son loves..that will make him smile.
2) give at church- extra...- at Christmas, give extra to the funds to support needy families, or pick a child off the angel tree. make that child's Christmas. it will definately make yours.
3) keep your eyes open and ears open too. - listen for the sick list to be called at church, and send those ''praying for you'' cards out.. you will never know what that means to them..these are wonderful oppertunites to be used for HIS GLORY.. and you will be so blessed, even though you are wanting to be a blessing.
some personal ideas and thoughts on this:
1) start in your own home - do something for someone in your own home that would make a difference. bake that special dessert that your son loves..that will make him smile.
2) give at church- extra...- at Christmas, give extra to the funds to support needy families, or pick a child off the angel tree. make that child's Christmas. it will definately make yours.
3) keep your eyes open and ears open too. - listen for the sick list to be called at church, and send those ''praying for you'' cards out.. you will never know what that means to them..these are wonderful oppertunites to be used for HIS GLORY.. and you will be so blessed, even though you are wanting to be a blessing.
4) support the local church missionaries and/ or a certain person.- do something nice for those certain people. offer them a ride to church, or take them for a meal out.. these things mean a lot.
these are just some personal things that come to mind.. this does not mean you have to do these things.. just some thoughts..out loud..lol....
you can really live out this love.. this is definately ''BEAUTIFUL IN HIS EYES.''
Love your post today Dana. I agree that we should help others and I try hard to do this. A smile and hug is worth it all to some people. Miss you and love you bunches sweet friend.
PS: My spelling is off today so I had to repost twice. Sorry
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