I just love sunflowers. They are , I think, my most favorite flower, besides palms, or roses.. A bouquet of these things would be much more appreciated than roses, to me. I love how they are big, and bright, and how the bumblebees flock to them.. hmmm.. Looking at a sunflower always puts a SMILE on my face.. I thought of having sunflowers in my wedding, but kind of changed my mind at the last minute...
Sunflowers remind me of JOY. AND SIMPLE HAPPINESS.... Joy that Jesus can bring. They are big, and tall, and strong, just like HE is. They are bright and you can see them.. Jesus' light shines through them.. They are beautiful. Jesus brings a song to your heart They can take the heat, that is what they do best in... .Sometimes, we lose our song, it is not as loud as it once was.. We have to ''come home'', to regain our song.. get it back. If we don't have a song in our heart, we are NOT joyful like a sunflower. Just like a sunflower, we can be tall, bright, and beautiful for the Lord. We can be joyful LOOKING for the Lord, just like a sunflower is JOYFUL looking.
James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
We love to grow sunflowers.. I had some real tall ones last year in the garden... THEY WERE HUGE!! They attracted so many bees...
Just like a sunflower's shape depicts the sun, we can depict the SON too.. The sunflower can bring a smile to your heart, and a spring in your step... JESUS CAN TOO.Sometimes, I know I am guilty of this... Not happy when things DO NOT go as I plan... but that's where I have it wrong..IT is not up to me, for things to go as I plan... HE HAS IT ALL IN HIS HANDS!!!! HIS PLAN, HIS TIMING, HIS WILL.. not mine!!
Just like the verse says, humble yourself... humble yourself before God .. We are nothing without HIM.... He will lift us up..lift us up out of that sickness, pain, uneasy feeling, bad thought, sin...
So thankful for this today.. Sunny and bright for Him... NOW, I am ready to go buy me some sunflowers...... Haha!!

My sunflowers in my garden last year
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