it is unusually cool here this morning. i heard they had ice on Grandfather Mountain this morning, and the wind chill was way low. i have loaded the dishwasher, and picked up a few things...i have not made the bed ,yet..
i was watching tv last night, and an advirtisement came on for a show..''The good Wife.""....hmmm. i thought.. i have watched that show from time to time...but the title caught my attention, yesterday.... am i a good wife???? i want to be and strive to be every day.. Sometimes, we have to stop and ask ourselves the ?? of how do we measure when it comes to following God's plan for a wife?? do you help, submit, respect and love??? there are always areas to improve in...i fail at this everyday, but i do strive to be better at it..
W-warms up his life with your love
I- improves his life as a helper
F- follow his leadership with a willing heart
E- esteem him highly with the most respect
Serve the LORD together.. spend time as a family, but spend time as a couple also... being the wife i should be, and serving HIM,, is very important. my prayer today, is to be the ''good wife'' that GOD would have ME to be...
1 comment:
Amen! That's good, Dana!!
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