FOLLOW your heart, EMBRACE your dreams, and CHERISH your life!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Knee Deep

Being ''knee deep'' in the water somewhere is one of '' my favorite things''.... We had a great time on our annual family beach vacation this year... the only thing, is that it was not ''complete''... my sis, angie, and her family did not get to make it.. they had to go to ballgames in NC, because my nephew, ben, had made ALLSTARS..(yea, ben).. but we had a great time... we enjoyed some yummy food, great beach weather..and some good shopping... and just plain relaxing..
a hottt day on the beach, and I was knee deep this day for sure..

Drake swimming

buddy and me <3

niece and me..we were sooo hungry.. waiting on our food

just had a greasy hamburger...:)

love them!!!

love, love,love

we rode the new skywheel... it is the second, largest, ferris wheel in the US

So tranquil and quiet this morning = PEACEFUL

WE had a blast, but missed my other sis, and her family like crazy..... but it was still great to get away!!!

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