FOLLOW your heart, EMBRACE your dreams, and CHERISH your life!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving is here

Like it or not, Thanksgiving is here. We have so much to be thankful for..everyday of the year should be Thanksgiving.. not just one time of the year. Here are a few things on my list this year.

* salvation through Jesus Christ, He is the only way. He is always there for me.
* wonderful Godly heritage. Thankful my mother raised me in church.
* wonderful family. They are a group of special people. We always know how to have fun..
* Godly husband.. where would I be without him.. He knows my true feelings about everything in my life. He works hard to provide for me..and does everything he can to make me happy..
* a job that I enjoy. It is my calling, and my desire to help people and to make them feel better.
* Home.. some people have just a house.. it goes way beyond that. we have a home.. and it is not a huge ,fancy place but without a doubt,was meant for us.. thankful for this..
* Wonderful friends.. I love my friends.. I have a few that I consider close.. but I have one TRUE, best friend, and she knows me like the back of her hand. I thank God he chose our paths to cross that September morning, over 25 years ago.
* Food and Clothing.. This is something that i take for granted.. we have never went hungry nor went without the clothes we need.
* Traditions.. Thankful for the new and old ones we have in our family..that my parents made for us growing up. They mean the world to me, and I hope to pass on.
*Talent.. thankful to get to be used for His honor and glory.
* Memories...thankful for all the memories I have of loved ones, and special times.. My mother and daddy have always given us precious memories..
*Promises. i am thankful for God's promises.. He will always be there, and He keeps us safe.
* Heaven. Thankful that I really get to go.. Thankful for my loved ones there, that I get to see one day... especially my grandfather, Uncle Vick, and David, my fatherinlaw.. It gets sweeter every day.

these are just a few things I am thankful for..My list could go on and on.. Here are a few other things.
Dirty dishes.. it means we had food to eat.. and full bellies.
Taxes.. cause it means I am employed.
Heat and Air..means I am warm and cool..
Ablity to travel..this may not always be.. so We do it while we can.
my alarm clock that goes off.. it means I am alive..and that I can hear ..but doesnt mean I always get means we have plenty of clothes.. means I have captured fond memories with the ones that are dearest to my heart..

so, just a few other things... We wish you and your family a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.. spend it with the ones you love and cherish every moment.. as it could be the last one ever you will get to spend with them.

I am making deviled eggs and a strawberry pretzel looks yummy... Have a great day everyone..!!

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